TrippingTime (Zeitstolpern)

TrippingTime (Zeitstolpern)  is a collaboration between Lisa Birke, shARed spaces, and grade 8 students and teachers Nicola Höllwarth und Josepha Lutz from the Kunstprofils Intermediale Kommunikation (Kimko) at the Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium (FSG) Marbach, curated and organised by Marcus Kohlbach, for the Stuttgarter Filmwinter Festival for Expanded Media in Stuttgart, Germany and presented at GEDOK Stuttgart, (gallery director: Christiane von Seebach). 


TrippingTime (ZeitStolpern) is a multi-media project investigating the slipperiness of time and digital media’s incessant infiltration into our real spaces and its influence on our perception of the world. 

TrippingTime (ZeitStolpern) was presented as part of the Stuttgarter Filmwinter Festival for Expanded Media January 16th – 25th  and consisted of an augmented multi-channel video exhibition at GEDOK Stuttgart and a performative walk with augmented picket signs, AR!! Action, in Stuttgart, Germany. 



Coming out of interactions and discussions with the teachers and students from Kimko, Friedrich Schiller Gymnasium, Marbach, starting in the fall of 2023 and continuing into January 2024, drawings from the students were brought to life in augmented reality by the shARed spaces team in interactive picket signs. These were activated and toured through the city streets by the FSG Kimko students in a performative city walk on Saturday, January 20, 2024. AR!! Action interrupted the everyday urban space with an explosion of drawings and text, allowing the public to join us in taking a stand within a fragmented and precarious state of being. 

Image blocks from top to bottom: “AR!!Action”, performative walk with augmented picket signs in Stuttgart, Germany (photo
credits: top left and top right- Michael Fleig; bottom right- Lisa Birke; bottom left- Daniela Wolf) digital prints on aluminum. 

“Be A Surfer”, augmented picket sign (photo credits: left- in-app screen capture, Lisa Birke; right- Daniela Wolf) 


“TrippingTime”, installation at GEDOK Stuttgart for the Stuttgarter Filmwinter Festival for Expanded Media, Germany (photo credits: Lisa Birke) 


“Du Bist Was Du Schaust”, “Focus on You”, and “YOLO”, augmented picket signs installed at GEDOK Stuttgart for the StuttgarterFilmwinter Festival for Expanded Media, Stuttgart, Germany (photo and in-app screen captures: Lisa Birke) Augmented picketsigns made in collaboration with shARed spaces and grade 8 students and teachers (Nicola Hoellwarth and Josepha Lutz) from Kunstprofils Intermediale Kommunikation (Kimko) at Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium Marbach (FSG), for Stuttgarter Filmwinter Festivalfor Expanded Media, Germany, curated and organized by Marcus Kohlbach, January 2024 


You can view the work in AR here!   


















Grade 8 students from Kunstprofils Intermediale Kommunikation (Kimko) at FSG Marbach, in their production groups
(photo credits: Nicola Hoellwarth and Josepha Lutz) 



Dawn of Melancholy: A Birthday Soliloquy 

The exhibition, TrippingTime, also included a large-scale video projection embedded with two augmented reality triggers that allowed content to spill out of the screen and into the exhibition space via the visitor’s mobile device. The video, Dawn of Melancholy: A Birthday Soliloquy, ruminates on the passage of time, reproduction, and meaning making as the lines between lived and digitally enhanced experience become blurred. Viewers become implicated in this task when they inadvertently assist the artist in escaping the confines of the video projection through augmented reality.   


Image blocks left to right: “Dawn of Melancholy: A Birthday Soliloquy”, escape from video AR (left);
happiness bomb AR (middle and right), augmented video, 14min, 2024 (photo and in-app screen captures: Lisa Birke) 



AR!! Action, augmented digital prints on aluminum panel, featuring drawings by the grade 8 Kimko students at the Friedrich Schiller Gymnasium, Marbach, size variable, 2024 

  • drawings: grade 8 students Kimko, FSG Marbach 
  • instruction: Nicola Hoellwarth and Josepha Lutz 

AR production by: shARed spaces (University of Saskatchewan)

  • led by: Lisa Birke
  • project management: Renée Penney
  • animation: Lisa Birke
  • development: Kim Kargut, Jordan Ripley, Nico Trick, Brianna Fiddler

Curation: Marcus Kohlbach, Stuttgarter Filmwinter 

Exhibition location: GEDOK Stuttgart (director: Christiane von Seebach) 

shARed spaces is developed at the University of Saskatchewan and gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts. 

Dawn of Melancholy: A Birthday Soliloquy, augmented video, 14min, 2024 

AR production by: shARed spaces (University of Saskatchewan)

  • led by: Lisa Birke
  • project management: Renée Penney
  • animation: Lisa Birke
  • development: Kim Kargut, Jordan Ripley, Nico Trick, Brianna Fiddler
  • additional assistance: Qihang Liang
  • footage shot and performed by: Lisa Birke
  • additional footage: Michael Fleig
  • sound recording and editing: Lisa Birke
  • additional audio clips: Internet Archive and (all CC0)
  • AI video generated by: InVideo AI