To support the creation of Augmented Reality (AR) artworks, we are creating a knowledge base of tutorials on AR technologies and methods. We have formatted the tutorials to be as short and to the point as possible, so that you can quickly find the information you are looking for and then get back to making art. The tutorials are available in both video and static image/text (PDF) versions.
We will be adding more tutorials here over the coming months, so please check back.
Qlone - 3D Scanning
The Qlone app is the most useful and user-friendly 3D scanner we have found for phones. There is both a free and a paid version of the app available in the Apple App or Google Play Stores. The free version allows you to scan objects and edit the 3D models you have scanned. There is a one-time fee to enable exporting of 3D models so that you can use them in other programs. However, we have found the fee to be less if you download the free version and then upgrade in-app rather than downloading the paid version directly. So we suggest starting with the free version.
Tutorial 1: Technology, Tools, & Materials
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Tutorial 2: Scanning Mat Set-up
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Tutorial 3: Scanning
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Tutorial 4: Exporting
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Tutorial 5: Editing
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Blender - 3D Modeling (Short)
Blender is a free and open source 3D creation suite. While very robust, it is also user friendly. It has been used to create many of the 3D models you see in Shared Spaces. These tutorials have been created for Shared Spaces by Project Assistant Lauren Warrington with the specific workflow of creating and sharing artworks through the Shared Spaces app in mind.
Tutorial 1: Interface and Movements
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Tutorial 2: Edit Mode
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Tutorial 3: Modifiers
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Tutorial 4: Sculpt Mode
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Tutorial 5: Materials & Textures
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Tutorial 6: Baking & Exporting
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Tutorial 7: Strategically Decimating
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Blender - 3D Modeling (Long)
These Blender tutorials were created by USask Professor Lisa Birke for her Animation and Digital Space courses. They provide a fuller overview of Blender. Please click on any of the links below to view the annotated video through Panopto (no download necessary).
Tutorial 1: Interface & Basic Objects
Tutorial 2: Transforming Polygon Objects
Tutorial 3: Combining Objects, Modifiers and Advanced Forms
Tutorial 4: Sculpting
Tutorial 5: Sculpting continued
Tutorial 6: UV Maps & Texture Painting
Tutorial 7: Photo Stencil Texture Painting
Tutorial 8: Simple Animation and Rendering
Tutorial 9: Making a Video File
Tutorial 10: Retopology
Tutorial 11: Retopology continued
Tutorial 12: UV Maps continued
Tutorial 13: Rigging
Tutorial 14: Inverse Kinematics (Tail Rig)
Tutorial 15: Animating a Rig